Saturday, September 1, 2007

Shopping for puppy

Okay, who new there were so many things I would have to do to get ready for a puppy. I have to decide if I am crate training, if not, how would I pick up the 'doodoo' that Mimi Poo leaves behind. What kind of bed will I get for her to lay on. How will I train her. How much will her vet bills be....... and so on and so on and so on. I'm still excited though. Did you know, they have puppy diapers? I know this now and so do you.

Mom and Dad came for a visit. This is always fun for me to have them stay. They are pretty darn wonderful. I went with Cathy and Mom to get my hair cut. It is very short. She actually cut 5 inches off my hair. I didn't think I had 5 inches for her to cut.

I have some darling pictures that I am going to post for you to see. One is of Eliza, Zach and Savannah. The others are of my other favorite people. TTYL!


Thelissa said...

Of course those are the cutest kids ever. I'm so partial. I admit it. I'm excited for the puppy. Yeah, there is lots to get and do to prepare. The whole "doodoo"thing is one reason we haven't gotten one yet. We told Savannah that she has to be old enough to clean it all up herself, I'm not doing it! Anyway, loved the new posts!