Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Beautiful Desert

Life is too short

Okay, so I just got back from St. George visiting my Mom and Dad. I had an amazing time. My poor Mom is still in the hospital recovering from a total knee replacement. I sat in on her therapy sessions and counted for her. I have to tell you, it was so hard not to lift her leg for her. She was in so much pain. I couldn't help but want to help so the pain wasn't so bad. I stopped myself because I knew that it wouldn't help her get better if I did the work for her.... wow, what a learning moment that was. I can't help but see a correlation between that situation and life here on earth. We have to do the hard stuff ourself so that we can gain the rewards of doing it. The growth, if you will, that we gain from going through those experiences that are hard to handle.

A friend of mine has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. At first, they gave her 6-12 months to live. A Neuro-surgeon decided that he could operate on the tumor but he couldn't get all of the fast growing growth. He got everthing he was worried about (whatever that means). She goes back in a month to see if what was left has grown anymore. She has an amazing attitude. The smile on her face hasn't waivered. She went from thinking that she had a sinus infection that wouldn't go away to facing her mortality. All in a months time. Like I said...Life is short.

I want to take this time to tell all of you how much I love you. You make my life worth living. I can honestly say that if I was diagnosed tomorrow with a brain tumor that I can look back on my life and see that I was blessed. I want to face tomorrow with the same smile on my face that my friend has. Just take it one day at a time.

I am including some pictures I took on my trip to St. George, including one of my mom's leg...yikes. The pictures I took of the desert are breathtaking I think. I hope you enjoy.

Monday, October 22, 2007

It's been a while

It has been a while since I have written anything. I figure that it is about time to update you on what is happening in my life. I have been integrating Mimi into my life and it has been a new experience. She is doing pretty well with the litter training. The biggest issue I am having is when we go visiting. We get so involved in our new friends that we forget to watch for the 'potty' signs. I am learning though. I know that eventually we will have it figured out. Right now the cute little Mimikins is sitting at my feet sleeping. It is one of her favorite positions. She would prefer to be on my chest or my shoulder but that doesn't always work for me.

I just recently returned from a trip to San Diego with a couple of friends. We had an amazing time at the La Costa spa and resort. I had a rejuvinating facial by Nicole. It was wonderful. She was very thorough and even picked the black heads on my nose. Either, I have never had black heads on my nose before when I have had a facial or Nicole is just that good. I'm not sure which but I really enjoyed it. Then I had a massage by Kirk. He had magical hands and we had a great conversation. It was just nice being with friends. I'm downloading some great pictures. I'm including some of Mimi and some of my trip to the spa.
I hope this blog finds everyone well. Love to all!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

What is Success.....?

A friend of mine sent this to me and I really loved it. I thought I would pass it along. I hope you like it.

“ to laugh often and much;
to win the respect of intelligent people
and the affection of children;
to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure
the betrayal of false friends;
to appreciate beauty;
to find the best in others;
to leave the world a bit better, whether by a
healthy child, a garden patch,
or a redeemed social condition;
to know even one life has breathed easier
because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded”
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Happy Blogging!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A day in the life....

Work this week is kicking my butt. I feel as if I am going through a revolving door continuously without a break. Everytime I turn around something else has changed. I'm not a huge fan of change. I don't shy away from it and truly I try to embrace it but that doesn't change the fact that I don't like it. To top it off, I can't seem to get any sleep. I don't know if there is so much going on in my life right now that I'm too worked up, but sleep is eluding me. I have been able to write quite a bit though. Which is a good thing. My book is coming along quite nicely. I'm so excited about that.
I'm getting Mimi (my yorkie poo) on October 5. She had her first set of shots yesterday. It didn't slow her down a bit. I have been working to get my house in order and I am anxiously awaiting her arrival. The people I am buying her from told me today that they are not only getting her used to the crate but they are also puppy litter training her. I am thrilled with this because this is what I am going to do. I have been reading 'housetraining for dummies' this week in preparation for my new arrival. When I get her I will post some more pictures.
I played Volleyball tonight. I really needed the workout. I loved every minute of the 3 hours I spent playing. I had a great deal of aggression I needed to release due to the horrendous traffic problems this afternoon. YUCK! I hate traffic. I am not sure what the problem was but it was miserable.
Life is good for me. Busy, but good. I hope all is well where ever you are! I am looking forward to my trip to San Diego in October. I really need the vacation.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Amazing Techno World

So I joined myspace. Terri from my writing group encouraged all of us to join. I have had an amazing time playing around with it this weekend. I decided to check out the browse and found a 'bloke' in Austrailia to talk to. His profile caught my eye because it was so funny. Where it indicated music he said 'anything on my ipod. My 2nd ipod because some scummy people broke in and nicked my first one. As part of my faith I forgive you. But I would still like someone to drop a piano on your head. Accidentally. I would forgive them for doing it. In an instant. It's part of my faith.' He made me laugh so much that I sent him a message thanking him for the laugh. He responded. As we talked I learned a few things. Apparently several musicians use myspace to promote their music. He has several friends who belong to bands and he told me that if they are trying to get a gig they have to have a myspace page where people can hear their music. If you have a lot of 'hits' on your page and several people listen to your music then it indicates how popular you are and it is easier to get gigs. This is why he created his myspace page in the first place. We are now 'friends'. It is amazing to me that I can have a friend in Austrailia that I have never even met. Weird but cool at the same time.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I'm in Love

I wish I could say that I was in love with a man but alas, this is not true. Not yet anyway. I love Mimi. I never dreamed that I could love an animal so much but she is darling. I can't wait to bring her home. I visited with her last night. She gets cuter and cuter each time I see her. She has the cutest face and a darling personality. She pounces on her brothers, plays with a little miniature tennis ball, and when she gets excited her whole butt wiggles with her tail. She is still really small and likes to cuddle. Rhonda and Jeff, who are taking care of her right now, tell me that she if 'full of it'. She likes to bite on toes (which I experienced last night) and play. If you had told me that I would be getting a puppy and be so in love with her 2 months ago I would have called you a liar. It just goes to show you that things can change in a very short amount of time.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

I love to get together.

I love getting together with my family. We are large and almost always loud and out of control but that is what I love the most. We all got together last night and just 'hung out' in Mike's backyard. It was so fun. I have some darling pictures and I will post a few of them. It makes me wonder what life would be like if we didn't have each other. I am so thankful that I don't need to find out. Families are Forever. We really need to pull together and love each other unconditionally.

Yummy homemade rootbeer. Thanks Mike!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

It's been a while...

It has been a while since I last updated this. I haven't really written because not a whole lot has changed in my life. At least, nothing exciting. I'm still waiting for Mimi to come home. I have done a little more petsmart shopping/looking. That has been more fun then it sounds. I'm becoming less critical of 'puppy clothes'. Mimi is so little that she may need a cute sweater and puppy shoes to keep warm on her bathroom outings. There are some really cute things out there. I have some new pictures of Mimi that I will put on here. They just don't do her justice but they are still cute. She is cute!

I sometimes forget how much I enjoy my job. How much of a difference that I can really make in peoples lives. It is really fun to be reminded. I have a story I want to share with you. It is a customer service story and is really touching. It is long but worth the read:

The Simple Truths of Service...Inspired by Johnny the Bagger
This is a true story as told by Barbara Glanz, CSP...
A few years ago, I was hired by a large Supermarket chain to lead a customer service program–to build customer loyalty. During my speech I said, "Every one of you can make a difference and create memories for your customers that will motivate them to come back. How? Put your personal signature on the job. Think about something you can do for your customer to make them feel special–a memory that will make them come back."
About a month after I had spoken, I received a call from a nineteen-year-old bagger named Johnny. He proudly informed me he was a Downs Syndrome individual and told me his story.
"I like what you talked about!" he said, "but at first I didn’t think I could do anything special for our customers. After all, I’m just a bagger. Then I had an idea!" Johnny said. "Every night after work I would come home and find a thought for the day. If I can’t find a saying that I like, I just make one up!"
When Johnny had a good thought for the day, his Dad helped him set it up on the computer and print multiple copies. Johnny cut out each quote and signed his name on the back. Then he would bring them to work the next day.
"When I finished bagging someone’s groceries, I put my thought for the day in their bag and say, Thanks for shopping with us."
It touched me to think this young man–with a job most people would say is not important–had made it important by creating precious memories for all his customers.
A month later the Store Manager called me...
"You won’t believe what happened. When I was making my rounds today, I found Johnny’s checkout line was three times longer then anyone else’s! It went all the way down the frozen food aisle. So I quickly annouced, ‘We need more cashiers; get more lanes open!’ as I tried to get people to change lanes. But no one would move. They said, ‘No, it’s okay–we want to be in Johnny’s lane–we want his thought for the day."
The store Manger continued...
"It was a joy to watch Johnny delight his customers. I got a lump in my throat when one woman said, ‘I used to shop in your store once a week, but now I come in every time I go by, because I want to get Johnny’s ‘thought for the day.’"
A few months later the Manager called me again....
"Johnny has transformed our store. Now when the floral department has a broken flower or an unused corsage, they find an elderly woman or a little girl and pin it on them. Everyone’s having a lot of fun creating memories. Our customers are talking about us...they’re coming back, and bringing their friends. A wonderful feeling of service spread throughout the entire store...and all because Johnny chose to make a difference!"
Johnny’s idea wasn’t nearly as innovative as it was loving. It came from his heart–it was real. That’s what touched his customers, his peers and those who read this story.
Great Service, comes from the heart.

Mimi 9/12

Mimi 9/12

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

New Pictures of Mimi

Hi Everyone,

I have new pictures of Mimi. I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

I love Emma!

Isn't this the most mischeivious smile you have ever seen?

What beautiful girls

Like Mother, Like Daughter

Who is the Mom and who is the Daughter?

Ty Ty my handsome guy

Aren't these the cutest girls?

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Beautiful Marie on Baptism day

Lovely Eliza

Zach's in your face

Beautiful Savannah

Shopping for puppy

Okay, who new there were so many things I would have to do to get ready for a puppy. I have to decide if I am crate training, if not, how would I pick up the 'doodoo' that Mimi Poo leaves behind. What kind of bed will I get for her to lay on. How will I train her. How much will her vet bills be....... and so on and so on and so on. I'm still excited though. Did you know, they have puppy diapers? I know this now and so do you.

Mom and Dad came for a visit. This is always fun for me to have them stay. They are pretty darn wonderful. I went with Cathy and Mom to get my hair cut. It is very short. She actually cut 5 inches off my hair. I didn't think I had 5 inches for her to cut.

I have some darling pictures that I am going to post for you to see. One is of Eliza, Zach and Savannah. The others are of my other favorite people. TTYL!

Friday, August 31, 2007

Political Poem

November is the magic month
Every four years we give our trust
Our belief in process can be blind
If we are not careful, we will be in a bind
Promises given, promises lost
Who to believe and what is the cost
Lives could be lost to either famine or death
Make a wrong choice and we may have nothing left
Bravery is shown in all walks of life
People willing to die for toil and strife
Freedom is fleeting but fiercely desired
What is the cost? What is required?
Honestly, loyalty, Integrity lost
Can these values be found in public office?
Conspiracy theories rampantly abound
What is the truth? Where is the sound?
Options are given, some taken, some not
Choices are given, what is right and what is rot
Ballots, proxy, counts are taken
In the end, do the majority make it?
Some will feel vindicated and some will not
Hope will lie in the next cast of lots
Turmoil abounds and is never ending
Through it all we are constantly spending
Who knows where the next four years will take us
We the people have hope that it will not break us
Let us give voice to our hopes and dreams
Take advantage of opportunistic means
In our country the options are ours
Let us stand for something and reach for the stars
Hope isn't dead it has only been sleeping
Let it awake life is ripe for the taking

Paul and Dad at the Aztec Ruins

Many of you wanted to comment on this picture. Now is your chance.

Mimi's blue eyes

Here is a darling picture of Mimi's blue eyes!

My Mimi

Hi Everyone,

I teased you a little with my news about a baby. Thelissa questioned if she was feline or canine. I am going to include a darling picture so you can see her for yourself. She will be placed in my home on October 5th. I'm excited to have her. I'm sure after you see her you will understand why.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

New Member of my family

I am almost positive that I will be adding to my family. Her name is Mimi and she is 3 weeks old. She has dark red hair and blue eyes. She fits in the palm of my hand. I'm considering a baby shower for Mimi and myself, so if I have one, I will be sure to send you an invite. I will be posting a picture of her soon. She is darling.

Monday, August 27, 2007

I love to Cruise!!!

Traveling is one of my passions. Here is a cruise I took with Paul, Thelissa, Mom, Dad and Leslie to the Baja.