Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Amazing Techno World

So I joined myspace. Terri from my writing group encouraged all of us to join. I have had an amazing time playing around with it this weekend. I decided to check out the browse and found a 'bloke' in Austrailia to talk to. His profile caught my eye because it was so funny. Where it indicated music he said 'anything on my ipod. My 2nd ipod because some scummy people broke in and nicked my first one. As part of my faith I forgive you. But I would still like someone to drop a piano on your head. Accidentally. I would forgive them for doing it. In an instant. It's part of my faith.' He made me laugh so much that I sent him a message thanking him for the laugh. He responded. As we talked I learned a few things. Apparently several musicians use myspace to promote their music. He has several friends who belong to bands and he told me that if they are trying to get a gig they have to have a myspace page where people can hear their music. If you have a lot of 'hits' on your page and several people listen to your music then it indicates how popular you are and it is easier to get gigs. This is why he created his myspace page in the first place. We are now 'friends'. It is amazing to me that I can have a friend in Austrailia that I have never even met. Weird but cool at the same time.


Thelissa said...

That is cool. I think the internet is so amazing. Like you said you can communicate with someone you have never met and probably never would! In an instant you can talk clear across the world. I like to go to blogspot's homepage and click on some of the blogs they have there. It is so interesting to peek into someone else's life. To see who they are and what they do, etc. if fascinating. One thing that really jumps out to me though is how obvious it is how many people do not have the gospel in their lives. The things they say, how they express their emotions, appearance, etc. all indicate so plainly that they are void of the spirit. It is interesting. We are so used to being around people here that readily exude the spirit. In the real world it is a different situation, ya know...

Paul said...

Did you ask him if he met Ross the intern while he was visiting Steve Irwin?